Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween Aftermath

So since it has been two weeks since Halloween the aftermath is basically over. The kids devoured most of the candy in the first few days (the good stuff anyway). We are down to dum-dums and tootsie rolls if anyone is interested. I'm no longer finding suckers on the furniture or candy wrappers everywhere! I've made it through another Halloween season...

Then last night (or this morning it is still a big hazy mess) I woke up to Ian crying, actually more like screaming. I stumbled out of bed to his room to help him get back to sleep. The closer I got the better I understood his shrieks.

"I WANT CANDY" "I WANT CANDY" It could have been the chanting of an angry mob. It was loud and feisty enough.

I guess Ian doesn't know that it is against the rules to wake your mom for something so trivial. I couldn't convince Ian that it wasn't a big deal. Nor could I convince him that I would NOT get the candy out of the locked pantry at 4am!

Since neither he or I was budging, I went back to bed and he screamed in front of the pantry for an undisclosed amount of time.

Ah, Halloween is over, right!


Brimaca said...

Ha! M didnt' wake up at 4am but he's fought for candy every night before bed. He's finally coming out of thank goodness.

Steph said...

Margaret tells a similar story. Tyson woke up in the middle of the night screaming for popcicles. She gave him one for each hand, went back to bed and washed the sheets in the morning. He is her sixth. Maybe by your sixth you will just throw some candy at him so you can sleep!

Dianne said...

That is too funny, well in the light of day anyway but not at 4am.

grammawood said...

One year when Danny was little and couldn't eat anything with corn syrup we bought his trick or treating candy from him and let him take the money to buy a GI Joe, so I had a bunch of candy. A few days after Halloween, Becky and Mary came and asked to buy some candy from me. (They'd eaten all of theirs). When I said I wasn't selling they kept offering me more. They offered 50 cents for a snack size candy bar! Proof positive that Halloween addicts kids to candy and sends them on a sugar spiral that goes on until Easter. That's why I give out raisins and popcorn!

Megs said...

Wow four in the morning. I am not a nice Mommy at that time unless they are sick. This is why I LOVE the Halloween Witch. She is one awesome lady.

Becky Shuler said...

Hmm...a locked pantry! Now, that is a good idea!