The back story. Tara really wanted a sister. She prayed hard for one(without her parents' knowledge or consent)and we got Amy. Tara loves Amy to pieces and often reminds us that Amy was her best friend in heaven.
The current story. Amy is old enough to get into Tara's special things. I have never heard Tara yell at Amy or say anything mean to her. She gently takes things away. She will shed a tear or twenty over the object of her affection that Amy has ruined, but never hold a grudge or be resentful.
The real story. Amy broke Tara's favorite doll. The toy that has taken the place of daddy kitty. I was certain Amy was in for it.
Tara sobbed. She wished it hadn't happened. But, she hugged Amy and sobbed some more. Amy sobbed too. She felt Tara's pain. When did they learn to be such wonderful sisters to each other?
It's interesting how you notice qualities in your children you never noticed before. Tara is forgiving and patient. Wow. I'm blessed to be her mom.
Wow what an amazing thing for her not to yell and scream at her sister. She must be so heartbroken. Was that the doll from Sister Brown? Madeleine's has broken numerous times and we have some great glue that fixes it.
It's amazing what the kids pick up from the parents! She has a great example from her Mother!
that IS amazing!
That makes me feel like an awful big sister. I definitely don't have that quality. She's very loving and forgiving and an example.
What sweet girls! That little story makes up for so many of the other ones that have tried your soul.
That is the sweetest story. How do you teach your kids to love each other so much. Tara is one awesome sister. I think it is so sweet that they cried together. It makes my heart smile.
Wow. I am amazed!
That is really heart warming. I hope my kids can love each other like that. Tara is such a sweet child. What a blessing to be her mother! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully, she can get another doll or you can try to glue it back together!
Wow. Impressive. I need to learn from her!
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