Thursday, April 7, 2011


Amy and Kyra were laughing and giggling together and I was giving myself imaginary pats on the back for having kids that get along so well. That is quite a parenting accomplishment, you know.

I went to check on the girls and found them splashing in self-created puddles on the top of my kitchen counter.

Sometimes ingenuity in a child is difficult for a parent.
I wanted to be mad because of my extra work, but I was so proud of her brains.

Look at how Kyra's hair is flying after finishing a major puddle splash and how proud Amy is!

I was really glad I had deep cleaned the kitchen early that morning...really there isn't any sarcasm in that. I could only imagine how many important things would have been soaked otherwise.


Stacey said...

OH GOODNESS!!! Well atleast they had fun!

Sarah said...

And you want to document it, but by taking pictures you are saying, "This is cute; do more stuff like this in the future!" That's how my boys interpret it, anyway.

Sarah said...

So awesome.

Erin said...

That is too funny. I love the galoshes.

Elsha said...

Good thing they got their boots on!

emblair said...

Molly says, "Why are they on the sink? They are NOT supposed to get on top if it. They should be getting down." I think Molly's needs a little of Amy's adventurous spirit. But then again, maybe not.... :)

Megs said...

no words...except OH MY

Brimaca said...

Yup. This would be no shocker in my house. But sometimes then getting along and playing is worth it!

grammawood said...

Jumping puddles on the counter with their boots on; yes you have creative children.