Monday, April 4, 2011

Eric's party

When I asked Eric what he wanted to do for his birthday, he told me it was a boys only party. At first I was a little offended and kind of sad, but then I realized I didn't have to do any of the hard stuff! So, I put away my hurt feelings and got really excited about the fact that Jared was taking the boys to Putt-Putt instead of me.

Eric invited his two best friends and his little brother (without any coaxing from his dad or me. I was really proud of him for that.) for an afternoon of play at Putt-Putt.

Jared said that during miniature golf one hole alone took more than 18 strokes. See, good thing Jared was there instead of me. I would have called it long before!

Laser tag was a huge hit.
Go figure, boys shooting guns at each other.

Look how happy Ian is!

air hockey

And arcade games. Oh my!

Then home for pizza

And presents

And the very best part of the whole thing!


Megs said...

Ah, that hug is the best part. I love that he got to do it with dad. What a fun fun time.

emblair said...

You're sweet to let Jared take them. I probably would have found a way to "accidentally" show up to get a peak at how much fun the birthday boy was having.

Happy Birthday Eric!!!

Brimaca said...

Yay for not having to do the hard stuff. And that last pics is really, really cute.