Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Awkward Conversations

I've had my share of awkward conversations. I'm sure you have too. Here's my most recent one.

Ian's teacher: "Mrs. Shannon, may I speak with you for a minute."

Me: "Sure, what do you need?"

Ian's teacher: "We had an incident on the playground today. It seems that Ian felt the need to go the bathroom and instead of asking to go inside, he just peed on a tree."

Me: "Oh." (What do you say to that? I was struggling not to laugh and remain composed!)

Ian's teacher: "I asked him if he was allowed to pee outside at home."

Me: silence and I'm inwardly groaning because what parent of a boy hasn't let their kid pee outside? I'm sure I looked guilty. I really need to work on my poker face.

Ian's teacher: "He said no."

Me: "of course, of course." sigh of relief and mental note to give Ian some extra candy or an allowance or something.

Ian's teacher: "You might want to have a talk with him about that tonight. I've already explained the rules, but you might want to make sure he understands."

Me: "Yes, I'll make sure."

I wonder if I turned and walked away before the smile broke across my face? I'm not saying I condone his behavior. Obviously, I'd prefer he NOT drop his pants in front of his 70+ classmates, but that isn't a conversation that lends itself to decorum.


Daniel said...

His teacher just needs to understand that Ian is all about saving time! Whether it is less time to sleep or less time to play, he's an intelligent kid.

Brooke said...

I agree with Daniel, he's just being efficient! Of course, I've had the same conversation with my child...it's not the fact that you're saving time by peeing on a tree, it's the people around you that can see it all...that's the real problem! :)

Katie said...

My child dropped his pants at the park earlier this week right by the slide... I was just happy he didn't pee ON the slide.

Kristen Shannon Kellum said...

At least he went to a tree and didn't pee on someone. Smart boy.

Brimaca said...

Ha ha ha! He's a smart kiddo. Kuddos to him for saying no!

Sarah said...

LOL...is this what I have to look forward too with my boys?

Dianne said...

I just have to laugh.

christina said...

I totally let my girls pee outside in the summertime.

Man, that teacher needs to lighten up a little. :)


lori frerman said...

After working on potty training my boy for the past 7 months or so I am just happy he doesn't pee his pants. Poker face? I would have been laughing really hard!

Megs said...

I will go on record that our son has peed in water bottles in the car when I don't want to stop. He is told to pee on a tree if we are out and I don't want to find a potty. And yes, my daughter peed out the car door in broad daylight in a Little Caesars parking lot. Yep, I would have laughed.

Do you think Nana is mortified???

emblair said...

I still thank Ian for totally making my day. Thanks, bud!