Sunday, September 2, 2012

Clyde and Linda's 40th Wedding Anniversary Dinner

We enjoyed a weekend together with the Shannon clan and celebrated Linda and Clyde's 40th wedding anniversary. It was a lot of fun.

Linda and Clyde

They did a pretty great job of raising five awesome kids who picked pretty incredible spouses (if I do say so myself!)
Jared and I

Michael and Kate (who we learned are Linda' favorite!)
Brent and Tamara
Mark and Catherine
Kristen and Micah
We had a wonderful time at dinner.  The goo-goo gang was at the end of the table totally happy to be free of the boring grown ups and left (mostly) to their own devices. 

most of the kids
Telling jokes
happily sharing cake
Not so happily sharing lemonade.  Jared doesn't like to share...

Brynlynn will eat from anyone, especially these two.

A great way to end the night.


Tamara said...

It was an awesome weekend! I just love family gatherings :) (especially those where I have my own room and bathroom...).

Becky Shuler said...

Happy 40th anniversary to Jared's parents! Looks like a great family gathering!