Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day School

 Another school year is here again.  The kids were mostly excited.  Don't let Ian's sour puss face fool you.  He is thrilled to be going to the same school as Tara and Eric.  He isn't thrilled however about taking a picture. 
My stair steps on the first day of school

Keeks trying to be big enough

Kyra really thought she was going to school this morning.  She had her lunch box and was ready to go.  When she realized that she wouldn't be staying with Amy she began to cry.  It didn't help that I accidentally hit her with my purse as I attempted to get a picture of Amy at her desk.  Neither worked out very well.  She has been following me around like a lost puppy this morning.  Just looking for things to do.  Poor little lonely child!  She doesn't start preschool (or pre-k as she calls it) until after Labor Day and then just twice a week.

 Amy is so ready for kindergarten!  She told me she didn't need me to walk her to her class, but she would let me if I wanted to come say goodbye.  She is anxious to learn and soak up as much information as her teacher will give her.
 Ian is a ham.  He cracks me up.  He just doesn't want to write all day long.  Give this boy some time to run and climb and he will be golden the rest of the day! 2nd grade here we come.

Eric is excited to have two really good friends in his class this year.  I am excited too because they are good kids from great families.  He picks friends well.  4th grade is lucky to have this guy.

Tara is in 6th grade now.  Big man on campus.  I actually remember being her age.  There are these big fuzzy gaps.  I know that these years will really shape her as a person and I pray daily that it will be good experiences that she remembers.  She was a little nervous, but excited to see her friends.


Elsha said...

I am finding it impossible to believe that Tara is in 6th grade! How??

Stacey said...

Its crazy, they just look so big! I really cant get over it. Hope the school year goes smooth!