Friday, April 27, 2012

Kansas City Temple Open House

Cousins at the Temple
I was so excited when they announced a temple would be built in Kansas City, Missouri.  Jared's brother and his family live in the area, and the temple open house was a great reason to go visit them.  It was so nice to take the kids to the temple.  Jared and I go to the Lubbock temple often and going to the open house was a nice way to explain to our kids why we make the effort to go to the temple.

In front of the Kansas City Temple
The kids after the tour.  I love how Amy is leaning on Ian's shoulder.

What I would tell my Nana if I could:
When we were in the celestial room, Eric leaned over to me and said, "Mom, I have never felt the spirit stronger in my life."  Then while in the sealing room the boys both commented that they want to get married in the temple.  Those two comments made the entire trip worth while.  Now I can remind my children of the way they felt in the temple and encourage them to live in a way to be able to return there.

thank you Kate for the pictures...we left the camera in the car and had nothing!


Erin said...

What day were you there on? We just got back from the temple and Nathan is still there helping with parking. That is so wonderful that your kids had such a great experience there.

Katie said...

What a neat experience for your kids!

Becky Shuler said...

I really wish a temple would be built close to us (somewhere in the southeast) so my children could have the opportunity of attending a temple open house. I love what your children said and I'm thankful they had that experience. Thanks for sharing. Nathan and Erin live an hour away from Kansas City! They are thrilled!

Stacey said...

Love the pictures of your family. And what a neat experience for all of you!

Megs said...

I love to go to dedications with my kids. We have been fortunate to go to two and soon a third. It really does help them learn the importance. And I know you know this but Nana definitely heard Eric say that. And I can see her face now, she would be so proud of him.

Brimaca said...

Still so jealous. :) That pic of Amy on Ian's shoulder is so sweet and so true to their friendship.

grammawood said...

What a wonderful experience. Remind your kids often so they don't forget those wonderful feelings.