Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ian the Billygoat

Ian loves and I mean LOVES to be in front of an audience.  That usually means he sneaks up to the microphone at church and tries to make people laugh.  It can often be embarrassing as a parent, but when it's in the form of a school play it's awesome.

All of the pictures and video are from his dress rehearsal...the real thing was even better, but much too hard to get a decent picture.

Ian got assigned the part of a billy goat in his 2nd grade play.  He learned his lines in two minutes and used the next three weeks to perfect his billy goat voice.  I asked him if his friends liked his billy goat voice and he told me, "Mom.  I'm not going to use my goat voice until the night of the play."  When I asked why he explained, "that way it will be a surprise and no one will copy my idea."  A performer and competitive!  He was right too.  By the time he delivered his second line his other billy goat friends were trying to do the same thing, but they didn't have three weeks of practice.

That night he got up to deliver his lines and said the first two words in his regular voice and then shook his head and restarted in his billy goat voice.  Repeated each of the three times he was on the mic.  He was hilarious to watch and not just for me.  I got texts all night from friends commenting on his enthusiasm. 

Ian was really, really glad to have his best girl there. 

And when I asked him how he felt about the play he said, "I did great!  The Principal even said so.  The Principal, mom!"
When Ian was 3 years old and in the middle of his playing-with-poop-running-away-and-hiding-in-stores-and-trying-to-maim-himself-at-every-turn stage, I never would have guessed how awesome he would be at 6 (almost 7- he would want you to know that)  Even when people I loved and who loved Ian swore it would be the case. 

This kid is awesome in every way!


Stacey said...

How stinking cute!!!!!!!

Brimaca said...

AAAAHHH!!! I love that kid. He's hilarious! I wish I had seen that in person. I would have been telling everyone that that was my friend's kid! :) Miss L is also so different even now than she was at three. She's the best! I thought I wouldn't survive her 2.5-3.5 but I did and now she's my joy!