Thursday, March 8, 2012

Did you know that the kids do everything around here?

I was changing the sheets on Amy's top bunk.  Anyone who has to do this regularly knows what a pain it is.  I was already panting from lifting the mattress (while sitting on it) and didn't want to climb down the ladder for the third time to get the comforter.

I asked Amy if she would get it for me.  She looked up at me from her pile of My Little Ponies and using the same, even tone of voice I use with my kids when I'm trying to teach them something said, "I don't think so Mom.  You need to learn how to do work.  The kids have to do everything around here."


If she had been mouthy, I would have felt justified in delivering a lecture.  Probably a long one on how much work she provides for me.  However, I could tell that she wasn't being mean spirited or snotty.  She truly believed what she was saying and was sticking to her guns. She was trying to teach me.

I climbed down the ladder for the third time and left the room to get a good laugh in.  Then I thought about her words a little and let what she was trying to teach me sink in.  I realized that to her all the things I do seem fun.  Paying bills is actually computer time, a highly coveted activity.  Making cookies or dinner isn't a chore to her; it is exciting.  She loves to sweep and vacuum and even mop.  Sometimes a different point of view is all it takes to change an attitude.  I went back to her room to finish making the bed and give her a quick squeeze.  I'll be looking for the fun in my jobs instead of the drudgery thanks to her little tidbit of wisdom. 

Except for changing sheets on the top bunk.  Even Amy knows that is still just work.


Becky Shuler said...

I love Amy's spunk! What a smart girl and I like how you thought it through from her perspective instead of being offended. Great story! Thanks for sharing!

Steph said...

I needed to hear that one. What a great point of view! Thank you, Amy for helping us adults see that life is fun. Joy in the journey, right?
Hey look! I'm reading blogs!!!!

grammawood said...

Laura, you are so awesome to be willing to learn from your kids, but I agree, changing sheets on a top bunk is definitely work!

wigglerbug said...

I love you Amy. She is one smart girl. Now teach to love her "work" so it will be fun like mine has been.

Brimaca said...

That's a really good point!