Thursday, November 3, 2011


I took the kids to a fiddling group, Barrage, for a cultural event. As we were walking in, we ran into Ian's best girl. It was a special treat to sit with her and have some extra attention...including popcorn and cotton candy.

The purpose of this outing was to help Eric pass off a Cub Scout requirement, and I'm so glad we went. It is fun watching your kids experience something new. All the kids were tapping toes and dancing in their seats, except for Ian who wasn't able to contain his excitement and danced everywhere...the aisle, his seat, my lap, his best girl's lap, etc. My favorite part was after an exceptional solo. The entire auditorium was cheering in appreciation and just as things quieted back down, Ian yells, "You did great!" It was as loud as he possible could scream and it echoed through the auditorium. Awesome!!


Brimaca said...

That looks fun! And how nice to run into Shauna. She's amazing. Ian cracks me up. I can totally picture the scene.

Brooke said...

That looks awesome! I've got to get my kids out more... :)

Becky Shuler said...

WOW! How exciting! Sounds like everyone had a blast! I'm wondering how the musicians are able to play in tune while jumping and kicking about?

grammawood said...

I love fiddle music and all that dancing looks so fun. Did they play okay while they were dancing? What's the group's name?