Monday, September 26, 2011

Budding Geologists

We were fortunate enough to have my mom and dad come help us with unpacking and some handy-man projects at our new house. It was such a blessing. Sorry, no pictures. We were much too busy working to be taking pictures plus I probably didn't even know where the camera was.

My dad took the kids on several walks to the edge of the neighborhood where there is a rock garden. He patiently identified the exact same type of rock over and over. My kids were in heaven as is evidenced by the line of rocks on my back porch that were collected in the process. The rocks have been show and tell fodder, bartered for, and the object of heartbreak when one of them accidentally went missing. Who knew moss agate was such a prized possession?

I find rocks everywhere. My favorite find was when I picked up a hand towel from the bathroom counter and out fell two boulders rocks which of course landed on my toes. One of the kids had been cleaning their rocks and left them lovingly wrapped in a towel to dry.

Thanks Papa Bob for making geology such an exciting topic. Each kid has a rock collection. I remember rolling my eyes as you explained rock types and corrosion factors. Now as my kids ask me those questions, I have to rack my brains to remember 7th grade science or one of the many rock conversations I thought I was too cool for.


Becky Shuler said...

Sorry about your toes, but I think it is cute how much they love rocks just like Papa Bob! That's awesome that your parents were able to come help you unpack and do fix-it jobs around the house!

Stacey said...

When Allison was little at our first house we had to walk to get out mail and our neighbors had a completly rock yard. We had our own rock collection too!

Judy said...

We packed up Breagan's treasures (his rock collection - rocks brought home almost everyday from school last year) and drove it 1000 miles along with Laren's rock collection, my rock collection from my grandpa and from all our travels. Rocks ROCK!
Now if I knew what each one was!

grammawood said...

Love the rock windowsill.

Brimaca said...

Oh the rocks! You know, I know about rock collections.