Sunday, July 24, 2011

Walking on Water and Moving Mountains

We recently read the story of Jesus walking on the water during family scripture time. We talked about faith and its power. This story is powerful and Ian has really been taking it to heart. Every day at the pool, he "practices" walking on the water. He takes a running start, a big jump, and then moves those little legs as fast as he can before he hits the water to see if this time will be the time when he finally walks on water.

Yesterday, while checking facebook I found this picture of my brother. He and my dad were out kayaking.

I showed it to Ian. He looked at me and with wonder in his voice said, "Uncle Daniel has enough faith to do THAT?!"

I didn't have the heart to explain how Daniel found a tree stump that was almost covered by water and managed to climb from the kayak to the tree stump without falling in the lake. So instead I told him that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. Then I showed him how small a mustard seed is.

I wonder when he will try to move a mountain?


Stacey said...

Your kids are just the coolest, but I think it has a lot to do with there amazing mother;)

Camilla said...

i love Ian! After reading all the things done with the priesthood in the new testiment Porter keeps telling us how he will do all those things when HE has the priesthood.. he also asked Cory why he didnt just bring Taylor back from the dead, becuase Jesus could raise people from the dead, and maybe we just needed more faith! so hard to explain to him that sometimes the lord has a plan, and we cant change them.

Katie said...

Ian probably could move a mountain!!

Tamara said...

Ian-I love that kid.

Daniel said...

Great. Now I have a lot to live up to...

Brimaca said...

That faith of a child....:)

Becky Shuler said...

Daniel is pretty awesome...and what a great story!