Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Droughts and Grasshoppers

Texas is in an drought. An exceptional drought which means there is exceptional and widespread crop/pasture losses; shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells creating water emergencies.

There are many sad results of this like wildfires coming within inches of homes just 2 miles from us (that was an exciting night), dead flower beds because of water restrictions, and the saddest thing for my boys...no grasshoppers.

We went out of town a few weeks ago and they were playing in the back yard enjoying some cooler temperatures. Ian burst into the house holding a treasure and yelled to Eric, "Good news Eric! First grasshopper of the year!"

Only with my boys would that be good news!


Daniel said...

I have caught a few really big grasshoppers in the backyard recently. Everytime I see one, I think of Ian. I want to catch a bunch, shove them in a box, and mail them to you. Think they would survive? Secondly, is it legal to ship live grasshoppers?

That Janie Girl said...

We've had some horrible fires around Big Bend and Midland/Odessa.

I'm so ready for rain!

And grasshoppers! ;)

Camilla said...

havnt missed those grasshoppers myself... do you miss the bags of dead ones under the beds? ;)