Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Joyland: the Shannon Family Reunion

You know those carnivals that set up for a week in the mall parking lot?

Joyland is like a permanent one of those. My kids are the perfect age for a trip to Joyland and most of them are tall enough to go on all the rides. Add a half off Groupon coupon and the day was perfect...well except for the 105 temps and the two baby girls recovering from strep throat.

This ride is like the tea cups at Disney Land. Oh, my goodness. I was so dizzy afterward. It took 30 minutes before I felt normal again. Amy was concerned on the ride. Not about getting sick. She said, "this ride is going so fast it will mess up my ponytail!" Ever the fashionista.

Kyra loved the carousel.
Tara as always is protective of her little sister.

Kristen and Brent are very good sports.
We rode the carousel 6 times before we pried Amy and Kyra off their horses.

Oh, and if the carousel was addicting to the baby girls, the Music Machine was even more addicting to Tara. As Tamara called it, crack for tweens. Tara rode it 8 times. I think every grown up in attendance had a chance to ride with Tara at least once. I can't say that I enjoyed getting squished into the side of the car, but watching Tara and Eric hugging each other (due to the sheer power of centrifugal force) was really fun. And teasing them about it was even more fun.

What is an amusement park without the log ride?
Everyone enjoys the splash of dirty water and the wet butt!

See, everyone!
Ian was so glad to be tall enough for this ride.

It was a big upgrade from this ride, which he also enjoyed...just not as much.

Eric told us, "Today is the best day, ever!"

Fun was had by all.


Elsha said...

Sounds like fun! I wish we had something like that close to us.

Becky Shuler said...

Sweet! Sounds like you are kicking off your summer vacation time with a bang! Great pictures!

Tamara said...

it was good times!

Jaimie said...

Looks like fun! We might be checking out one of those in UT. I sure hope you guys can get well enough to enjoy your summer :)

Kimberly said...

When Scott was in elementary school, he filled out one of those "Get to Know You" sheets for his teacher. On the question, "What was your favorite vacation?," he answered Joyland.

(My dad read that and said it was pathetic that his son hadn't ever been anywhere better than that.)

Megs said...

My fav. pic has to be the one of Jarrod at the end. He looks like he is in heaven. Love IT.

Brimaca said...

Hey we just went there two or three weeks ago!

grammawood said...

Tell Kyra that my favorite ride is the carousel too. I'll be glad to take her anytime.