Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tara just finished her very first season of volleyball. It was fun to watch her get better and better each game.

She is a great server, getting several aces. In the last game of the season she scored nine points off of serves including the last four points of the set that made them win the match. She was pretty excited about that.


Anonymous said...

Go Tara!!! glad to see you playing volleyball. Kallie can't play until she is in 4th grade...

Brooke said...

Volleyball is the best! I'm glad that she enjoyed it!

Sarah said...

How fun! I always enjoyed volleyball. That is awesome that she scored so many points. Way to go Tara!

Becky Shuler said...

Very impressive!! So proud of her!

Megs said...

AWESOME. I wish they had that for our kids. That would be a great sport for Emma. Way to go Tara.

emblair said...

Love the socks, miss T!!! Maybe you could teach me how to serve this summer...I was never very good.

grammawood said...

I love Tara's wave. How nice that she is still glad to acknowledge her mom. And tell her congratulations on her game.

Brimaca said...

Wow! Good job Tara!