Monday, May 9, 2011


This little lady is potty trained!
It only took a week.
Even for nights.
I should try and get her older sibling done now...


Stacey said...

SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!

Cassie said...

hmmm... maybe i should try the "panties over the diaper" trick.

way to go K!

Brooke said...

Freaking awesome! :)

Erin said...

That is so great! we are so struggling with Mimi...she just absolutely refuses to go on the potty even though she wakes up dry every morning.

Elsha said...

Yay! I have yet to attempt nightime training for Kalena.

Sarah said...

YAY! I bet you are excited to have no more diapers to deal with.

Ashleigh said...

isn't it awesome!? molly was definately easier than jayne was!!!

Megs said...

Her chewing on the towel is killing me. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. But awesome on the potty training.

emblair said...

Mission accomplished. At least with one, right?!

Brimaca said...

I have no idea how to night train. None.