Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cub Scouts

And so it begins, the scouting journey. Eric is so excited. He asks to work on his Wolf book almost daily. I hope the excitement lasts for a while!

Oh, and I already despise the sewing on of patches. I had 5 to put on this shirt. I couldn't get the sewing machine needle to make it through the thick patches, so I opted to do it by hand. Three hours later when I finally finished, I learned they make GLUE to stick the patches on with! But Mom, the stitches are straight and so are the patches, so something you taught me actually sank in.


Megs said...

You're a champ! I would never have done that. I used the glue patches and even with that it takes me a while to get them months. Hehehe

Becky Shuler said...

I can sympathize! Sewing patches on Scout uniforms is the DEVIL! It always takes me forever. Most of the other mom's use velcro or glue patches, but I guess I'm old-fashioned. I like how it looks sewn on better. Scouts is an amazing program and your son will grow so much as he works on the achievements. I'm glad to hear he is so enthusiastic about it.

Becky Shuler said...

I want to see some baptism pictures...hint hint! :)

grammawood said...

His scout shirt looks great. Great job on your sewing! The Scout shirt and its patches were obviously designed by men. The glue patches don't always stick. Be sure to get the little plastic thing to put his Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Badge in. That will save a lot of hassle.

emblair said...

Sewing on scout patches are torturous. And that's coming from someone who actually likes sewing!

Probably doesn't help that we come from a family of perfectionists and I picked and unpicked the ones I did for a friend about half a dozen times to get it right. Darn patches...