Thursday, March 3, 2011

That's one way to clear the table

It was a long stressful day full of deadlines and whining, clingy kids.

At dinner I had had it. I laid down the law. "You will eat every single thing on your plates! No excuses. No negotiations. It's my way or the highway tonight kids!"

There was an undercurrent of tension and you could almost hear the kids' internal dialogue of, "jeez, what's gotten into Mom?"

Then Amy threw up all over the dinner table. Everyone was jumping away from their plates, scooting chairs away from the table, and declaring a loss of appetite.

No one finished their dinners. Not even in my super grouchy state could I force them to eat. I've been foiled again.


Sarah said...

What a birthday! Hope it was good regardless of the puke!

Brooke said...

Gross! It's amazing the lengths our children will go to foil us, isn't it? Hopefully Jared takes you out for a good make-up birthday dinner, void of children and puke! :)

Stacey said...

OH NO!!!!!!

Megs said...

Yikes, that could make you lose it just reading it;) It always seems whatever my plans are they gt changed by something. I hope you are all feeling better.

Brimaca said...

That was gross but totally made my night. I'm just glad it wasn't me this time.