Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lego Time Out

"Boys, I mean it. If the Legos aren't picked up in the next five minutes, they are mine." I'm not one to make an empty threat, and they aren't keen on cleaning. The Legos got packed up and I was looking forward to building my own green race car being able to see the carpet in the boys' room.

"You can have them back when you can be obedient for an entire day."

Ian was in hysterics. A day is soooo long, I'll never be able to do it, and it's not fair were all uttered over and over.

Eric took a much more logical route. Mom, how many hours are in the school day. 7. Why? When do I go to bed? 8pm. Why? When do I wake up? 7am. Why? Hey Mom! Since I'm in school for 7 hours and I'm asleep for 11 hours, I only have to be good for 6 hours tomorrow.

The crying stopped and the boys were already congratulating themselves on being able to earn back their Legos. Being good for 6 hours is no problem, apparently.

I gave the Legos back the next day. Not because they were that good, but because Eric's math attitude was so impressive.

I swear he is destined to be an engineer.


Stacey said...

I have enjoyed subbing in primary because of Eric, such a speacial kid!!

emblair said...

That's one bright boy you've got there (but of course, we already knew that!). That calm logic will serve him well.

We are in hysterics over here because Willy and Bolt have to sleep in the guest room tonight. "But Mom, I won't ever be able to have a good sleep anymore...." Sadly, I don't think MJ has the math skills (and definitely not the attitude) to win me over on this one.

emblair said...

Oh...and the whole reason I hopped on here was to say......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Love you. Tons.

grammawood said...

That Eric is a smart one. Once David took all of Danny's toys away because he wouldn't clean them up, but it was for a week. I had to intervene though, because after two days I couldn't stand having a little boy who had nothing to play with. (I told David if he wanted it to be for a week, he would have to come home from work and entertain him!) Did you get to build the green car?
Oh, and Happy Birthday.

Elsha said...

Definitely an engineer in the making.

Megs said...

That is on smart cookie. I love a clear logical head. I hope to have a child like that someday. With me as the parent it might not happen.