Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kyra's Charm

Kyra knows she has charm. She also tries her best to use it on her parents. She is always more successful with her Dad than with me. Turns out that Jared really is susceptible to little girl puppy-dog eyes.

"Mommy, can I have some fwoot snacks?" No darling. "Can I have pwesents?" Uhm, no.

She's gonna have to work on her game a little more.


Sarah said...

She is a very charming little girl. The two hours I spent at your house she had me wrapped. LOL She is so adorable!

Megs said...

She is pretty cute. I love seeing Daddy's smitten though.

grammawood said...

That's a cute picture of Amy; she's growing up so fast!

grammawood said...

You know I meant Kyra, but ask Sarah how good I am with names.