Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We had a family home evening lesson on tithing. 10% to the Lord. Simple as that.

The kids were happy to give their little bit back, so we sat with each child and helped them figure how much money they needed to include in their envelope. I was helping Amy when I looked over at Eric. He had a pile of coins and was furiously counting. I motioned for Jared to help him. "No, Mom! I can do this by myself." he insisted. I knew he only had to pay twenty cents, so I was sure he needed help. I mean his entire piggy bank was empty and on the floor.

Turns out he didn't need any help. He had added everything up perfectly. He paid his twenty cents of tithing and then proceeded to donate everything else he had to various other areas of need like building temples and supporting missionaries.


He might have learned a little about tithing last night, but I'm sure I learned so much more.


grammawood said...

That's so sweet. I taught DC104 in seminary today. Obviously Eric's already got that principle down.

Dianne said...

You've got great kids. :D

Brooke said...

Awesome story! Totally inspiring, for sure!

Elsha said...


Stacey said...

Love this, you've got some great kids!

emblair said...

Eric, to a tee. Sweet boy.

Becky Shuler said...

What a wonderful boy and an example for us all! Thanks for sharing! Good job, Eric!

The Stringers said...

So precious. You are doing a great job!

The Stringers said...

So precious. You are doing a great job!