Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finger Wagging

Sometimes I yell at my kids.

I'll wait while you pick your jaws up off the floor. Ok. Sometimes it's as simple as yelling across the house for someone to come see me. Sometimes it's in frustration. There, nasty secret out.

Every time I do, Kyra comes running with her finger wagging. And then she lays into me.

"Don't well at my Ian. She's mine fwend!"


Elsha said...

Kalena will sometimes yell at Brian to "Leave Buster awone!" Not sure why though; maybe she thinks she's the only one who gets to play with him.

emblair said...

Wow Lar, you better watch it! Looks like Kyra means serious business.

Love how Ian is a "she" too. ;)

P.S. I think THIS should be your new favorite picture!

Brimaca said...

I'm relieved! I've never seen you yell but I feel much better knowing you sometimes do. And how cute is Kyra?! Love it. Lib gets he and shes messed up too.

Nathan said...

Ha! That was hilarious. It's good to have a fwend like Kyra to diffuse the situation.

Megs said...

We have those jammies.

I love that she is wagging the finger at you. I never yell...ever;}

christina said...

That picture is fantastic.
