Monday, January 24, 2011

Vocabulary Parade

When the note came home that Tara needed to create a costume for the word rickety and present it during the First Annual Fourth Grade Vocabulary Parade, I was glad it was her assignment and not mine.

She decided the best way to portray rickety was to dress as an old woman complete with knitting bag.

She borrowed a walker and put her hair in a bun

She dressed the part all the way to her toes

She even moved slower than molasses.

It was so much fun to see these kids' minds work. They did an amazing job on words like




I'm sure they will never forget what these words mean. Kudos to the teacher for coming up with this great teaching tool!


Elsha said...

Excellent costume!

Erin said...

very cool! I love the shoes.

Becky Shuler said...

Her costume is amazing! She did a great job and I'm super impressed with such a fun way to teach the meaning of vocabulary words. What a creative teacher!

Katie said...

Tara is awesome.

Stacey said...


Steph said...

Hey, where is the "like" button?

Megs said...

That really is a great idea. Tara is darling. I love the man in the pic laughing. She got the crowd into it.

Mary Lampros said...

Way to go Tara! I love love LOVE her outfit: the walker, the knitting supplies, the knee highs falling down. Kudos to the teacher who came up with this idea.