Tuesday, November 2, 2010


As part of Blogger's terms and conditions I agreed to include pictures of my kids in their Halloween costumes. So here we go.

Taylor Swift
She rocked this costume!

Race car driver - Ian
side note - I just loaded two pictures of Ian. I thought one was Eric.
They looked a lot alike in those matching costumes.

Race car driver - Eric
Eric told me at the end of the night he wished he had picked
something different because he wasn't unique.
What? "Yeah Mom, Ian was a race car driver too."

Oh jeez.

They spent weeks before Halloween
talking about how cool it would be to BOTH be race car drivers...

Amy and Kyra - Hello Kitty
Amy wanted to be Hello Kitty so bad!
Kyra just wants to be everything Amy is.
If the Hello Kitty doesn't do anything for you just pretend they are
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen - The Full House Years.

My five kiddos

Just a few pictures of the babies that I couldn't resist sharing. I'm sure the big kids were cute too, but they were way more interested in candy and their friends than getting a picture taken.


Elsha said...

Your kids are all adorable, but I think the Taylor Swift costume is my favorite.

Daniel said...

Tara totally rocked the Taylor Swift costume. I agree with you, the last two pictures are great.

Jaimie said...

Lookin good!! Thanks for sharing.

emblair said...

Taylor Swift...AWESOME.

And I'm liking the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen idea for the Hello Kitty girls (which are adorble, btw). Gave me a good laugh!

Brimaca said...

Great pics of cute kids!

Mary Lampros said...

Tara could totally pull off a younger Taylor Swift. She looks awesome! So funny about Full House girls, and true! They fit the role!

Dianne said...

The all look great!!!

Becky Shuler said...

Great Halloween costumes! How long did it take to do Tara's hair? She is so pretty!

grammawood said...

Those are 5 cute kiddos!

Megs said...

Those are all great. I love the Hello Kitty and Taylor Swift. I might have to do Hello Kitty next year. That was great. I think that Tara could be Taylor Swift.