Saturday, November 6, 2010

Skateboarding Amy

This picture just makes me want to be a kid again
and spend all day playing outside.

See Y'all!


Becky Shuler said...

WOW! She's completely fearless! I'd be worried about crashing and skinning up my chin! Amy's all about having fun!

kachiai said...

thats how i got my first is so fun as a kid

emblair said...

That first picture of Amy....pretty much sums her up. Man how we miss her!

grammawood said...

She's braver than I am!

Mary Lampros said...

I love that you caught her at her level. I was just thinking the other day that I see tons of pictures of your kids but have no idea if they talk with a Southern accent or not. I would imagine they do...yay! Long live "y'all" and "fixing to"!

Megs said...

Those are great. I love the shot. Did you take them. You have mad skills lady.

WOW! You got Smitty to post on your blog. That is amazing. hehehe