Monday, November 8, 2010

Apple Orchard

The leaves are falling from the tree in our front yard and the grocery stores aren't selling watermelons anymore. It must be fall and even if we are still wearing shorts and t-shirts a lot, we do our best to embrace the new season.

We took a day trip to a local apple orchard. We took a hayride and learned about how they started the orchard, what they do to control pests since they are completely organic, and the types of animals that live in the orchard.

Then we got to walk the orchard and find the perfect apple. We enjoyed eating as many as we picked.

Just ask Amy

Kyra will follow Amy anywhere

All business

Ian's favorite part was catching a grasshopper.
Go figure.

Time passes quickly. Sometimes life reminds us of that gently and sometimes it hits us like a ton of bricks. This pictures does both. It looks as if Tara is talking to her younger self. Occasionally Kyra will capture a movement or a voice inflection that is so similar to Tara that I feel like I am that new mom all over again. I would give that new mom one piece of advice. Hug her more. She'll grow fast.

catchup from early Oct


Becky Shuler said...

So you made me stop and reflect a little with this great post. I see Jonathan as a baby in Luke. And I'm wondering where the time went? Our kids do grow up so quickly, and you are right that we need to enjoy them at the stage they are in, right now. I'm gonna go hug Juliette and Luke right now and then hug the big boys when they get home from school. I love that last picture of Tara and Kyra. Thanks for sharing.

grammawood said...

Good advice.
Love the shot of the apple. I wish there was an apple orchard around here; they look so good. How many did you get?

Sarah said...

Awww...great advice and awesome pictures. You have sweet children.

Stacey said...

such smart adivce, whata a precious moment!

mamafarmer said...

how fun...where is the orchard??

Mary Lampros said...

Beautiful insight. That's gotta be fun. I love love love apple orchards. What an awesome outing!

Megs said...

That is so true. I go in JJ's room when he is asleep and he is now a BIG boy. It makes me sad to think that little boy and all the snuggles are over. I am excited for what is to come but miss the days of him being so little...and loving me with all his heart:)

Camilla said...

great post, and i do the same thing with Arthur who reminds me of how porter was. One night i almost was in years becuase i was sad at how fast its going by!

The last picture is my favorite.

by the way.. where is this orchard??

lori frerman said...

I feel that way every day! I should have spent more time cuddling Emma than worrying about the house. Now I am convinced my house will always be dirty. I no longer care.

Brimaca said...

Where's the apple orchard?

And good advice for us all there at the end. It does fly by.