Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cha, Cha, Cha

Kyra just had another birthday. And with that my baby turned two and the realization that I don't actually have a baby sunk in. I've had a baby for so long that I'm not exactly sure what to do with this information.

Kyra loves to sing. (I think she gets it from her mother.) Every night she asks us to sing Popcorn and Chi a hod. The bed time routine isn't complete without those two songs. She sings her ABC's and just about anything else that has a tune. This morning it was the happy birthday song with cha, cha, cha, kumbaya added to the end. So to help her with her singing, she got a microphone. Which she didn't put down for the rest of the night. Here's proof.

She likes to jump. It is funny to see her jump a whole 1 inch off the ground.

Speaking of funny, she reminds us daily that she is funny. "I funny," is a phrase uttered about 100 times a day.

I love that munchkin and remind Jared often that he's glad I pressured him into one more. He really, really is too. That girl has him wrapped around her pinky.


Danielle said...

I can't believe she is two! She is absolutely adorable!

Katie said...

Seriously shocked that she is already two! She's a cutie...

emblair said...

I've heard that Kyra has Jared totally hooked. Good for her. :) And have you noticed how much she's starting to look like her big sis Tara? Miss you guys!!

christina said...

That cake looks delicious!


Elsha said...

I can't believe she's two! She's so big!

Sarah said...

She is precious, Laura. Happy Birthday Kyra.

Becky Shuler said...

What a cute little girl! Wow! When she gets out of diapers, you'll really be glad that you are done with the baby stage!! Hope her birthday was happy!

Stacey said...

found your blog, love it!!! 2 is so big, no more baby. Your girls were adorable today!

Ashleigh said...

i think she finally doesn't hate me anymore! she atleast tolerates me in nursery anyway! :D

Tamara said...

the last picture made me a little sad...I can't believe she's so grown up. sigh, time for another baby. mine! :)

Brimaca said...

I wish you could pressure him into another -they are so darn cute.