Thursday, September 9, 2010


It was a wonderful wedding.

The flower girls were adorable
(and almost all of them made it down the aisle.)

The ring bearers were appropriately attired
if not impressed with their job

The bride was beautiful

The dancing was entertaining

Even though the night looked like this.
It didn't feel like this.
I was smart enough to get a babysitter
to come to the reception to help me.

The family was happy to get a new member,
especially one who loves Kristen so much!

We love you Micah and Kristen!


Elsha said...

Your kids are all so cute!

The Stringers said...

They all looks like "little licked kittens" as my mom would say. So cute!! Smart thinking with the babysitter.

Camilla said...

a babysitter, genius!! and the kids all look so darling dressed up! I didnt know you when the other wedding happened.. i just read it and wow you DO know my life! :) although that was 5 against one... i have yet to master 3 on one. You are still the master :)

Steph said...

Beautiful bride and beautiful kids! Amy looks so cute! Good job, Laura.

Becky Shuler said...

Your daughters are so beautiful! And I couldn't even tell about Amy's hair cut! Way to hide it! How did the family pictures go? Can't wait to see those! You were so smart to bring a babysitter. Good thinking. I love the first picture - how the younger flowergirls are showing off their matching bracelets. Sweet.

emblair said...

Kristen is stunning. Gorgeous as always. And love the girls' dresses! And the boys' expressions...priceless.