Monday, September 13, 2010


"Mom," Amy whispered, "I'm adopted."

I asked her what that meant and she said, "it means you have lots more people who love you."

Here are two little boys that are loved by lots and lots of people. Dan and Laura, we are so happy that you were able to adopt these sweet babies. I can't wait for Thanksgiving when I can steal them away from you for a few minutes...or hours.

Carter William

Talon Wesley

Maybe the cutest babies ever...except my own, of course.


The Stringers said...

Yay! So happy for them!! What wonderful answered prayers.

Brian said...

Yes, Thanksgiving will be a blast. You may have to get in line for who gets to hold the babies!

Becky Shuler said...

They ARE such adorable boys! Wish I could come for Thanksgiving at Uncle Bob & Aunt MaryAnn's house (like we used to when we were growing up) and have a turn holding them too. Congrats to Daniel and Laura!

Elsha said...

Definitely in the running for cutest babies ever:)

Daniel said...

We have put up some of pictures that Nena took. You should check them out. We are so exicted for Thanksgiving too!

Not Betty Crocker said...

That Amy sure is a smart girl. Congratulations on the newset family members. They are adorable!


Brimaca said...

Oh my goodness! Beyond exciting. And they are beautiful little guys!

emblair said...

Amy's got it all figured out!

Steph said...

Oh, yes! Simply adorable! Heavenly Father had it all planned out...they even look alike!

Megs said...

I am so happy for them. The babies are darling.