Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha!

Tara turned 9 years old on Friday the 13th. We had a nice time as a family watching Freaky Friday. Sometime after school starts and her best friends get back in town she'll have a friend party.

Heavy, heavy hang-over
our tradition where gift givers are given a wish by the birthday girl.

Gramma Linda and Nana, I'm not sure if you can tell or not, but she's excited to have money to pick her own toy/book/whatever else she sees at Target.

Tara is growing up. She's still my baby, but is turning into a young lady. I know I can count on her anytime I need help. She is amazing with her little sisters. She sings them to sleep almost every night, and I like to stand by the door just to listen. I'm lucky to have her.


Elsha said...

Happy birthday to Tara! I can't believe she's nine!

Brimaca said...

He he! She was so excited over tha money. I love that kids are usually so easy to please.

grammawood said...

I tried researching the "Heavy heavy hangover" tradition we had as children and couldn't figure out where it came from. My guess is it's from the British Isles. It is kind of funny don't you think? Oh, and Happy Birthday Tara.

Megs said...

Happy Birthday Tara. You are such a sweet girl. What your mom says about you always makes me smile. I hope you have a wonderful year.

Becky Shuler said...

What a sweet girl! Sounds like she is the perfect big sister - so helpful and kind. Glad she had a fun birthday!

Delcie said...

Awww! It's her last year of single digits. Enjoy every minute! Happy Birthday to your little lady!