Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summertime Fun: Mustaches

What do you do in the summertime when everybody sleeps in?

Someone (who still hasn't owned up to it) sneakily draws mustaches on the faces of family members.


Elsha said...

Ha ha! Did the person who hasn't owned up to it draw one on himself too?

emblair said...

Oooo, the mystery of the mustache bandit...

Tara looks completely thrilled.

Carrie said...

That is completely awesome.

BTW, what is this "sleeping in" thing you're talking about? Would anyone like to come to my house and explain to everyone how it works?

Sarah said...

Ha! They look like bad guys in an old-timey silent movie. They should go tie the baby to the railroad tracks.

Brimaca said...

That's awesome!

Megs said...

I L.O.V.E. that someone. Ha that is great.

Sarah said...

You gotten give 'em credit for creativity. LOL

The Stringers said...

Ha ha ha! That is awesome. I actually wrote on Kyle's chest a couple of weeks ago because he fell asleep on the couch...

Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

Did they seriously sleep through someone drawing on their faces? Your kids actually sleep in? You are amazing that you accomplished either of these two things. I can do neither with my kiddos!

Camilla said...

i am sitting her laughing out loud.. that is so hilarious! i love it!! can i draw them on my own kids or do i have to wait for them to get big enough for such fun pranks? hahaha