Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picky, Picky, Picker

Amy is a picker. She has a scab she picks it. She has a nose, she picks it. She sits on the toilet and picks the wallpaper off the wall. For a long while I was able to repair the picks, but while we were on our cruise she pealed a big piece. A really, really big piece.

Since Amy is such a good picker, I put her to work and soon she was peeling wallpaper like a pro. I had just enough wall paper to repair the entire section floor to ceiling. We prepped the wall and then a few days later I got the wallpaper out, measured and went to the bathroom to hang the wallpaper. However, I found that during the measuring and cutting one of my other children picked wallpaper off in the different direction. So, I knew it was time to get rid of wallpaper altogether and redo the entire bathroom.

I learned to strip wallpaper, mud a wall, sand it down, prime it, texture it, sand it smooth and repaint. It wasn't a project I wanted to do, but I'm glad I learned some new skills.


Mardi said...

wow - there may come a day when you'll have to forget the wallpaper and stick with paint.

Mary Lampros said...

Go you! I always envy people who have those kind of home-building skills. Let's hope Amy can't get a good start on the new wallpaper!

Becky Shuler said...

You go girl! I want to see a picture of the finsihed product! :)

Tamara said...

when do we get to see the final product?

Brooke said...

See, you're amazing! (and talented, and patient and gorgeous....)

Blessed Rain said...

Don't you love all the amazing things that as a mother you learn?
I have learned things I never wanted to know ... how to remove crayon from carpet, marker off walls. When to throw away the cloths and when to salvage.

Megs said...

I just want to see the finished product. I am a picker as well. Amy and I could be great buddies.