Friday, November 6, 2009


There are some moms who have their family's Halloween costumes pulled together months in advance, everything matches and is picture perfect.

I'm not that mom.

It was Halloween morning before we dumped out the contents of the dress up drawers and toy boxes and compiled these beauties (or at least presentable costumes)

Kyra was a vampire

because with chompers like these what other choice is there?


A safari man doing Ian's signature pose.

Snake Eyes. Is that one word or two, I wonder?

Our patient

a hunter

a gatherer...I mean German milkmaid

Because no German milk maid is complete without her vampire baby, ballerina, safari expeditioner, GI Joe ninja, and hospital patient, right?

Here's proof that the kids got too much candy. Tara took the bishop at his word when he told her to "go around the parking lot as many times as you can and get as much candy as you can." She had 10 lbs of candy. Yikes. I'm gonna go make her a dentist appointment.


Jules AF said...

The vampire costume was totally cute.

Elsha said...

Kyra is my favorite. Did you tell everyone she was Renesmee?

Tell Tara if she wants to make some money, there's a dentist here in GJ that buys Halloween candy from kids.

emblair said...

Ian and Tara have my vote. And I must add, YOU look adorable!! Oh, and I'm digging Ian's signature pose. Awesome!

That Janie Girl said...

I think Tara needs to tithe 10% of her candy to me. Holy cavities!!

The Matthews Family said...

And you already had all of that on hand! The ninja and ballerina outfits make sense, but the german milkmaid just lying around; I'm intrigued. You all looked great.

Katy said...

Love the costumes! Especially the little vampire! Tara is totally my kind of girl...what can I say, I still get excited about the candy!

Tamara said...

we finalized our costumes around were still SOO cute! Tara would have made $10 if she were in our ward..the bishop (aka ortho)paid the kids $1/lb of candy.

Sarah said...

Man, I wish I had your dress up box. You did a great job pulling everything together. You guys look awesome! I think it is fun that you and Jared dressed up. Matt isn't as easily convinced to do so. Hmm...maybe next year. LOL

Brian said...

So, sis... Did you pull your costume out of the dress up box as well, or did you just have that one on hand? : )

Daniel said...

Stupid question...but without seeing you very much, did you cut your hair? It looks quite a bit shorter than what I remember. Well, the kids look cure and Kyra sure has grown up since I saw her a few months ago.

Megs said...

Love them all. That lucky lady got a ton of candy.

Becky Shuler said...

I've been waiting for your Halloween pictures!! So fun to see the kids dressed up. I love Kyra's the most. Perfect! Looks like everyone had a great time! Now, what to do with all the candy?