Sunday, November 8, 2009

Eric's surgery

I took Eric into his doctor appointment to check range of motion and to schedule his surgery. They took x-rays and thought the arm looked great. That is when the surprise came. "We'd like to do the surgery tomorrow morning."


That would be fine if we didn't live out of town, if I had actually packed for an overnight stay, if I had babysitters for my other four kids, if my husband was in the same town, if I hadn't left one child in a different town at school, if I wasn't supposed to babysit the next day, etc. The list went on and on.

We did the surgery anyway because with a cell phone, wonderful friends, and a great family ANYTHING is possible.

He was a little nervous.

I bet Eric is thinking, "It should be against the rules for parents to take pictures pre-surgery"

The medicine they gave Eric to calm him down did the opposite. I have only seen him this wound up on Christmas morning.

Look at all the wires and wraps. It isn't fun having surgery.

waking up

The end result...pins out!


Brimaca said...

Wow! Stressful! Glad it's over though!

emblair said...

Glad you made it through...and Eric too. Man, he's starting to look so grown up. Tell him to stop!!

Brian said...

Hey, he and I can compare scars at Thanksgiving! I am so glad to hear that everything went well. Give the big guy a hug from all of us!

Becky Shuler said...

Bless his heart! We are proud of him for being so brave. (And you too, Laura!) Glad you survived the ordeal and had lots of help to get you through!

Sarah said...

I am so happy to hear that everything went so well. He sure looks happy holding those pins. He needs to talk to my mom, she had to have pins in her arm too. It is a very interesting story, you should ask her. LOL