Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Double stick tape

I'm always waiting until the last minute to do stuff, so last night at about midnight I started wrapping presents. (We do our Christmas gift exchange the day after Thanksgiving since you can actually give the gifts and see them unwrapped.)

I was halfway done with the first of 5 gifts when I ran out of tape. Since I buy scotch tape all the time (because it is cheaper and better entertainment than stickers), I wasn't worried. I scoured the house, but all I could find was double stick tape...2 rolls. Why do I have so much double stick tape?

What the heck, it might work.

It doesn't, well unless you don't mind your wrapping job looking worse than a 5 year olds.

I gave up and found some gift bags.


Dianne said...

yep. been there tried that. good call on the gift bags.

Megs said...

Gift bags are my fav. I never have tissue paper though. All I ever have is double sided tape. That is what I scrap book with. It is funny cause you think it would work well in gifts but you're right it doesn't.

Brooke said...

At least you wrap gifts...ours are usually given still in the bags they came in!

Katy said...

Ooooh - I tried that one year too....only mine looked like the five year-olds had already unwrapped them!