Sunday, November 22, 2009

One Tough Cookie

Amy's reward for bravery, a unicorn stuffed animal.
Has brave written all over it.

Last Friday Amy took a spill. She was standing up in her chair at the kitchen table trying to reach something and slipped. She managed to hit her head on the way down.

There was that moment of silence followed by crying and lots of blood because that's what head wounds do. One look at the back of her head let me know that we would be needing medical care.

At the minor emergency center she sat on my lap and didn't flinch while she got 2 staples put in the back of her head...without any numbing medicine. She didn't cry until the doctors left the room. I understand why, because I'm the same way. She can't, no won't, show that kind of emotion in front of a stranger.

We spent the week hearing her say, "I've got 2 stay-pos in the back of mine head." Awesome.

She's one tough cookie.


Megs said...

Poor baby. Why on earth didn't they numb her? Kiss her stay-pos for me.

Becky Shuler said...

What a trooper! When do the stay-pos come out? She's tough!

Christina said...

Very cute. She's so proud of those stay-pos. She'll remember that forever. :)

Brooke said...

She's such a cutie. All your kids are...even when they're giving you the workout of your life while "sitting". I wish I would have been more help on Saturday. We need to get together more often so they'll come to me instead of running the other way...

Elsha said...

Glad she's okay! She needs to stop taking lessons from Ian.

emblair said...

She really is one tough cookie. And Molly is SOOOO excited to see Amy in just a few days....