Thursday, October 8, 2009

The power of hair

I hereby do solemnly swear to never make Tara cut her hair again. I had no idea her hair had the same type of power as Samson of old. Really, I didn't.

If I knew that Tara would be struck with a case of the flu (that she would then pass on to 3 of her 4 siblings), I would have let her keep her hair long.

If I knew she would end up with a case of lice while still hacking up her lungs because of the flu, I would have let her keep her hair long.

If I knew that I would be washing/disinfecting every article of clothing, piece of bedding and hairbow we own while dealing with 4 children who have the flu, I would have let her keep her hair long.

Therefore, I will never make an ultimatum to my daughter about the length of her hair because I would rather deal with tangles, snarls, and attitude.


Karen S. said...

Maybe you should have gone to the pros.

Katie said...

sooo sorry! that really doesn't sound like any fun...

Brimaca said...

Wow she got lice after she cut it? Did it happen at the salon? If so, let me know where you went!

grammawood said...

Did she get lice at the salon? All I can say is its a lot easier to nit pick short hair than long!

larshannon said...

I think you might be right.

Danielle said...

Sorry it has gotten worse since we talked last. hopefully everyone gets better quickly and the lice doesn't spread!!!

Becky Shuler said...

Lice is no fun. I had to deal with it as a teacher and check each students' head. I hated it! I felt so itchy and nasty afterwards. I had lice as a child and had very long hair. I cried when my Mom had to put that nasty shampoo in my hair and then comb it with a tiny toothed comb to get the lice out. I am truly sorry you are dealing with lice AND the flu at the same time!! Hang in there!

Steph said...

Next week will be better...

Steph said...

Let's go to the park and let the kids throw sand in each others hair!

Brooke said...

I'm laughing at Karen's comment, she may be right! :) Good luck with the flu and the lice. We're hovering on the verge of flu, and I'm hoping they're all better by the time I get back. Lice...been there myself when I was 10 and waist length hair, it sucked...I am sooo sorry! Good luck. I wish you a short stay of both flu bug and lice bug!

Sarah said...

Oh no, I HATE lice. I never had it until we moved to Louisiana (the dang south). Seriously, it is the worst thing ever so, I feel yours and Tara's pain. I hope your family gets feeling better. Hang in there. =c)

emblair said...

How on earth did she get lice?! Now she's NEVER going to want to cut her hair again. Poor kid. And maybe I should wait for a little while to call and talk with her about her hair, huh. :)

Carrie said...

I will never cut Brenna's hair now. Ever. She can scream all she likes while I comb it.

Sooooo sorry about your ordeal!

Megs said...

Yikes!! Is that lice from getting her hair cut? That would be gross. I am sorry about your week. I have been thinking about you all week. A lot of help that does:) Just know I love you and wish I could be there to help you.