Thursday, October 15, 2009

He said, she heard

We just finished the last step of the delousing process. I picked through Tara's hair a week after the original treatment and I'm happy to report that we are lice free!

I had Jared check my hair just in case. He dutifully looked through piece after piece. After what seemed like forever he said, "Hey, kid (his nickname for me), I'm not seeing anything. Just a couple of gray hairs."

I might have heard, "Hey old lady, you have a ton of gray hair."

You know, the normal he said, she heard stuff.


Dianne said...

a classic tale of he said, she heard...that happens ALL too often at our house. lol

Brian said...

Pretty funny, sis. You've got a long way to go to catch up with me though.

Steph said...

Ha ha ha. I can picture it, too. Don't worry, kid. I don't see any gray so as long as you ONLY let Jared pick through your hair only he will know!

Sarah said...

LOL...I think it is pretty cute that he calls you "kid".

Becky Shuler said...

Girl, I have to get my hair colored because I have so many greys... part of growing up! Anyhow, thank goodness for hair color and a good beautician!

Jaimie said...

You crack me up! Thanks for all the good laughs lately, I look forward to them. Just tell Jared to watch his mouth, we're the same age! :) And you still are one hot mama!! We can color our hair together ;)

Carrie said...

A couple?! A couple?! I had to start coloring my hair 5 years ago when my giant silver streak was long enough and thick enough that there was no hiding it and Scott would laugh and shake his head whenever he'd look at all my shimmering silvers in the sunlight. Stupid premature gray hair. Way, way, way premature.

Megs said...

We so had a he said she heard day yesterday. Not so fun, until you look back on it.

Katy said...

LOL! But I would take a head full of gray over a head full of lice anyday! :)