Monday, September 28, 2009


Tara is getting her haircut. (Do you see that period? I wish I could make it a lot bigger.)

It's just too long. In preparation for the big event Tara and I were driving around town looking at a couple of salon possibilities. There is a place nearby called Pro Snips and I mentioned that we could try there.

"I'm NOT getting my haircut there," Tara informed me. "Because if you have to say you are a pro at something then you aren't very good."

Where does this girl get her street smarts?


Megs said...

I love it. David always tells me if you have to tell someone your smart then you probably aren't. There you have it. Tara is like David. Good luck with that one:)

Katie said...

Smart thinking! She's on to something...

Danielle said...

I can't believe you guys are going to do it finally! How short? I really like Darlene at JC Penny's salon. She is really good with kids! Can't wait to see pics!

Brimaca said...

Wow! Where does she come up with this stuff?

Brooke said...

Thankfully I'm related to someone who does! :) Yay for mother-in-laws who love children! How short are you going to cut it? She's an amazingly smart girl...kind of scary smart!

Jaimie said...

She's such a beauty that she'll pull off any haircut, even if it were to be a bad one. And by the way, I got my hair cut once at pro snips so don't be knockin it :) Make sure you put the after pic on soon!

grammawood said...

If she's going to go short and is willing to give up 10 inches, has she considered donating her hair to Locks for Love? It would make some young cancer patient very happy.

emblair said...

Impressive, Tara!!! Definitely wise advice. :) Can't wait to see the new do...

Becky Shuler said...

So can we see the "after" pictures?