Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It smells fishy

I served talipia, steamed vegetables, and wild rice for dinner. I was really, really proud of myself for serving such a nice dinner. I'm attempting to move beyond ground beef, chicken, and pork. Some of my kids have a hard time with change, so I told them we were having flat chicken...don't judge me. Getting kids to eat dinner around here is uhm, entertaining, if by entertaining you mean full of crying, threats, and refusals.

Things were going really well (nobody was declining dinner) until Eric mentioned how good his fish tasted (he can handle the truth).

In unison three plates were pushed aside, crying commenced, and the editorial on my cooking began.

"This is so disgusting. And I will never, ever eat fish in my entire life," said Tara
"You had fish sticks a week ago," I reminded.
"And I hated them. I'll never eat sea food, or anything that once swam in water!" she screamed.

The only kid to eat his entire dinner was Eric. Bless his little heart, he even told me it was good!

Then at 2:30am he woke me up and began vomiting. Should've had fish sticks...


Elsha said...

Oh, that is sad. It reminds me of the Calvin and Hobbs cartoons where Calvin refuses to eat dinner no matter what it is.

Brooke said...

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that last night. At least you got two hours off...right? Thanks again for the night off, I enjoyed it more than Shane could imagine!

Christina said...

Flat chicken. I love it.

I tell my girls that salmon is princess food because it's PINK.

It doesn't work, though.

And poor Eric!

Brimaca said...

Look atyou! I'm a bit scared to cook fish. It never turns out that great. I think it's because I don't like fish! :)

I can't believe he got sick. You didn't tell the other kids did you? ;)

Megs said...

Rule at our house is take it or leave it. I hate making dinner though and having everyone complain about it. Sometimes it would be nice if the kids could just see how good it is for them and how hard you worked. Tara is a spit fire and I love her for it.

Poor Eric. Do you think it was the fish?

grammawood said...

Don't give up Laura, your dad always hated cucumbers until my mom made him taste one.