Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm a slow learner

You would think that after potty training three other children I would remember the lingo. You know, like "I need to go baf-broom," really means I needed to go five minutes ago and now it is an emergency. Unfortunately, I'm a slow learner.

Amy reminded me nicely of the real meaning of "I need to go baf-broom" while in the doctor's office for Kyra's well-baby check. I had extra kids with me. You know, the-I-threw-up-this-morning-and-can't-go-to-school-even-though-I-feel-fine-now older brother and the friend's baby that you count as one of your own. Anyway our exam room wasn't exactly quiet so when Amy told me she needed to go, I shushed her and told her to hold on so I could hear the doctor.

She repaid the favor by pooping and peeing her pants. That ultra classy ziplock bag full of wet wipes buried at the bottom of my purse was very convenient to shove poopy pants and underwear into. The inside of my purse still smells a little funky though.


Katie said...

I guess I need to start packing some ziplocs, because I am sure that will happen soon for me...

Brooke said...

You're amazing. I let my mother-in-law do my last potty training. I'm thinking it's a tradition I'll put in place before attempting to do these next two! That and I'll start carrying large quantities of ziploc baggies with me everywhere!

Elsha said...

Whoops. Kalena has yet to actually go in a potty, but she is in a stage right now where she wants to sit on the potty immediately following a dirty diaper. So maybe she's making some connection?

Christina said...


Your stories are unbelievable!

Camilla said...

i had an experience like that with Theo at a restruant. I had to wash his shoes out in the sink in the restroom as well as give him a make shift bath in there and then carfully held him and placed my arms over his bare bum so as not to alarm the other people too much while running out to my car. I didnt have any bags with me so his shorts got wrapped in a towel and put in the trash in restroom. i never liked those shorts anyways! lol. ahhh the stories we can tell their friends when they grow up!

Sarah said...

Oh no! That is the only nice thing about diapers, you don't have to make inconvient trips to the "baf-broom" I think you deserve a new purse. =c)

Brimaca said...

Oh no don't tell me we don't get better at that stuff!

Carrie said...

The funky smell of a mother's purse....a big reason why I've been buying new (and inexpensive) purses fairly frequently lately!

Becky Shuler said...

Bless your heart. I'd have to find another purse to use for a while...smells really get to me! When are you going to post about Tara's baptism? I keep checking! I can't wait to see pictures and hear about it!

Katy said...

Oh, been there! It took my camera case weeks to air out!! :)

Megs said...

Awe...the joys of Motherhood! Baggies are a must at our house. My diaper bag has a change of clothes for Ellie and Elsie along with a grocery sack to put the peed stuff in and a ziploc just in case of the other! Fun times!