Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cousins and Crocs

Amy and Molly

It's magical to have a cousin come stay at your house. Amy and Molly were inseparable and they had so much fun together. Can't you tell?

You know what's even better? When your super cool cousin brings you a present...something that used to be theirs. The crocs Molly gave Amy didn't come off her feet for 3 days.

Not for sleeping

Not even for Tara's baptism

Molly, thanks for visiting (and for the crocs too)!


Brimaca said...

Just read the last three posts. Yay for Tara. She looked beautiful and so excited. Yay for Eric having no more cast! Woohoo for you on that too. And cute croc pics - love the sleeping pic.

Sarah said...

LOL...I love how she wore them to the baptism. She really does have a shoe fetish, huh?

Brooke said...

Hand-me-downs are the BEST! :) At least my kids think they are...I'm just going to let them continue thinking that. New clothes are soooo overrated!

Becky Shuler said...

I wish we had cousins to give us hand-me-downs! I laughed when I saw that she was wearing the pink crocs in the baptims picture!! How hilarious! :) So glad Molly and Amy had such a special time together.

grammawood said...

Cute picture of Molly and Amy together.

Tyson and Steph said...

I love the crocs. We had fun today!! Thanks for having us over! Tara looks so grown up!

Tyson and Steph said...

P.S. I did like the Salon, its Joe James Salon and Josie did awesome. I love the girly things.

emblair said...

Molly is still talking about Amy and spinning around in circles together. And she wants SO badly for Amy to come play at her house!

And I'm not sure who got the better (or worse) trade...the crocs or the bunny, Snow. Molly's come up with soo many requests on behalf of her new bunny. "But Mommy, Snow's never seen Monsters Inc before... But Mommy, Snow really wants a sucker treat... But Mommy, Snow needs to have two more jelly beans..."