Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The new thing around our house right now is grasshoppers. Yep, you read that right. We, actually Ian is catching them all the time. My back porch is littered with about 20 ziplock bags containing at least 2 or 3 grasshoppers apiece. Every once in a while you will look out the back door and see a bag making a break for it, grasshoppers jumping in unison and aiming for the freedom of the grass.

I thought it was a wonderful pastime until last night when I went to put away some kids' toys and found that his collection has migrated indoors...and outside of the bags.

I made Ian return his "friends" to their natural habitat much to his displeasure.


Mardi said...

We have ants taking over our kitchen - must be preparing for winter. They got inside my plastic container of muffins. I promise I wasn't collecting them.

Brooke said...

Don't you love the 'friends' that the kids come up with?

Sarah said...

Aren't boys great? Mine haven't gotten to the age of collecting bugs but, I know my time is coming.

Camilla said...

ewwww gross! I would have flipped out if they were in my house. Porter has a facination with al bugs too. at our old house he would bring in the snails.

emblair said...

I guess the ziploc bags put a new twist on grasshopper races, huh....