Monday, July 6, 2009

Prized Possessions

My children each earned a dollar and were itching to go spend their money.

Their choices are so different and yet perfect for each of them.

Tara purchased two abridged novels: Anne of Green Gables and Little Women (She is almost done with Little Women because it has been 90 minutes, but promised to save Anne of Green Gables for our car ride to Oklahoma in a few days.)

Eric's dart gun is adding to his collection of Army/GIJOE paraphernalia. By the end of the day he was throwing objects into the air and shooting them out of the sky. His dad was impressed when he shot down the remote controlled helicopter.

Ian got a shark place mat which he is convinced is a map to get to sharks. Ian would like to swim with sharks (and beat them up...his words, not mine.) if he could.

Amy bought new flip flops. She has had a shoe fetish her whole life. At the ripe age of 9mos she would kick and scream if I put on the wrong pair of shoes. Now we pick shoes first and then match the clothes.


Megs said...

My Elsie has the shoe fetish. My Emma is the book worm. JJ would choose art supplies and Ellie a dolly. I love that they all come with their own things they love.

Delcie said...

Fun choices! Isn't it always so telling who people are, by how they spend money? I just learned a boat load about your kids! They're awesome!

emblair said...

Just another reason for Molly to love Amy so much!

But MJ won't wear flip flops...she doesn't like stuff between her toes. In fact, I might have to bring you some in August for Amy...what size does she wear?

Carrie said...

I think that's so cute how their personalities are revealed in their purchases.

Sarah said...

What a fun mom! I remember I was the same way when I had money. I always wanted to spend it. I am a lot like Amy, I have a huge shoe fetish and often buy shoes and then an outfit to match. LOL