Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Creek

It might be the best part of being at Nana and Papa Bob's house because, let's face it, it's a REALLY good excuse to get wet and dirty. And you get a good idea of the kind of little boy Papa Bob was...an adventerous explorer.

Papa Bob in the creek with the kiddos

Eric and Tara building a dam

Ian fell in...on purpose, I'm guessing

I have no idea what this is, but it probably has to do with fairies

Racing paper boats


Cheryl said...
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emblair said...

Sooooo fun! And I bet Dad is in complete heaven!!

Nana and Papa Bob's is a huge it at our house too. Molly asks to go at least once every day. How can you not love it there! :)

Just a ranch girl said...

Glad you are getting spoiled!! We miss you!! Hopefully our best little guy is having the time of his life!!

Mary Lampros said...

Oops, I meant YOUR visit. How cool!