Friday, July 10, 2009


I'm pretty sure my parents won't miss hearing how "gross" dinner is, tripping over razor scooters, or the occasional accident on their carpet, but I'm fairly certain that they will miss:

Gummy Smiles

Pool Time


Long talks



Shoulder Rides



We miss you guys...


wigglerbug said...

OK,I miss you already! Thanks for coming to visit.

Brimaca said...

That top pic is amazingly adorable. She looked so much bigger today at church. I could hardly believe it. She's hit a growth spurt I think. And Ian being rocked by Sister W.? So sweet. She's amazing.

Sarah said...

Awww, aren't parents the best? I know I miss mine. I love the picture of your kids coming down the slide...very cute! I am glad you guys had fun.

Carrie said...

I love grandparents! BTW, your parents are so young and attractive!

Daniel said...

I was thinking the same thing as Eric a few days ago. Anytime you want to make a trip to Fort Worth, you are always welcome. I have a bunch of model rockets that my scouts built that I have been saving for the next time your kids come over.

grammawood said...

Looks like you had a great time with the grandparents! If I visit Papa Bob can I do all of those fun things too?

Just a ranch girl said...

I am sure they are missing their beautiful daughter who brought them those wonderful kids!!

Mary Lampros said...

So fun to see Uncle Bob and Aunt MaryAnn as grandparents. As usual, you found a creative way to show pictures of their visit. Loved it!