Thursday, July 2, 2009

May cause drowsiness

I rarely take painkillers. I have to be nearly convulsing in pain to swallow one. I took one today because the pain was that bad and now I remember why I don't use them. I was knocked out drooling for the better part of the day. In a pinch I could form 2 word sentences like, "Ask Tara," "Go Away," and "Make Toast."

When I regained consciousness I found:

* a box of cheese crackers dumped and crushed into the floor

* a pan of brownies consumed for lunch as well as a bag of popcorn and M&Ms.

* books, DVDs, paper, and strangely enough cinnamon sugar everywhere.

* Amy had "used the facilities" on the tile, carpet, and in her pants which are deposited somewhere in the house. I haven't found them yet.

* Tara had called a close friend and told her I took a horse pill (that would be the antibiotic I was prescribed) and a Loritab and was lying on the bed. I think that is when I started coming out of the fog.

My kids said it was awesome and that I could be sick anytime.

(I have a lot more sympathy for babies with ear infections. This thing is kicking my butt. Oh, but once my ear drum ruptured, I started feeling a lot better.)


Sarah said...

Oh Laura, I am so sorry you are sick. I wish I was still at my mom's house because I could help you out. I stay away from painkillers for the same reason except, they knock me out for like 24 hours or they make me sick. I hope you get feeling better soon. It is no fun when moms are sick.

Katie said...

that is just hilarious!! good luck finding amy's pants! sorry you are so sick though, hope you feel better soon!

Katy said...

Oh my! Tell you time you need to take one of those, call me! I could use a strong dose of kids right now (maybe it would get me out of my funk and I could actually enjoy the quiet of my house...with the exception of Jackson!)
I have learned that I cannot even take Benadryl, or those night-time cold takes me all day to sleep them off!
Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Katy said...

Oh my! Tell you time you need to take one of those, call me! I could use a strong dose of kids right now (maybe it would get me out of my funk and I could actually enjoy the quiet of my house...with the exception of Jackson!)
I have learned that I cannot even take Benadryl, or those night-time cold takes me all day to sleep them off!
Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Elsha said...

I've always wondered what people do when they're really sick and still have all their kids home. Now I know:)

I hope you're feeling better! I had an ear infection a couple years back and it was not fun. And I didn't have any kids to deal with.

Danielle said...

Oh Laura! I am so sorry! I know you are headed out of town now but if you need anything, let me know. I love having your kids over! Feel better!

Rachel said...

Holy crap Laura! You know how you can never say NO to any favor, you need to learn to say YES when other people ask to do a favor for you like take your children. I meant what I said at the store the other day and, by the way, you so did not look sick. Take care of yourself:-)

Brimaca said...

Caleb had me call the home teachers when he had his ear infection. He NEVER does that. He said the same thing about it rupturing.

I hope you get feeling better and I hope you get your house put back together soon! Need help?

Just a ranch girl said...

Hey where did you guys go?!?! I hope to play on the new swing set in grandpas yard. WE don't mind sharing our best boy for a week or so!! Shauna

grammawood said...

Laura, I think we must be related! I can't take medicine much either. I feel it running through my veins and making my heart pound. When I had a root canal and was given medicine it totally overpowered me and I realized I had absolutely no control over my body. I'm so sorry about your ear problems; you can thank Grandpa Silver for those! Hope you feel better soon and were able to enjoy your visit to you parents.

Megs said...

I LOVE Lortab therefore I am not allowed (by me) to take it. I would fast be addicted to the stuff. I am half tempted to escape right now with one. JK. I hipe you feel better soon.

Carrie said...

Oh man! Sorry you were feeling lousy enough to take such ridiculous stuff. I'm with you; it takes almost unbearable pain before I'll take a hardcore painkiller. Those things are brutal!