Friday, July 24, 2009

Giving of Advice

You know when you go to a baby shower and you're asked to write down a piece of advice about parenting? I always debate about how much this soon-to-be-parent wants to know.

Should I prepare them for conversations like these?

"Mom, you've been MEAN to me since the DAY I was BORN." You have to increase the volume and shrillness of that comment to get its full effect. Or you can just come over here and hear it in person.

Or this?

"Hey mom you really need to clean the bathroom," says child as they track muddy footprints onto the tile floor just as I stand back and admire how clean it is.

I usually settle on something like this, "Crying is ok. Your baby doesn't mind because she's doing it too."

I don't want to scare them too much!


Jill said...

I say bring on the truth, sister. For example, you could tell me right now, "Get used to the resentment you feel towards the baby that is killing your back and refusing to come out, because that will only intensify when he is a naughty toddler or a hideous teenager." And I'd be very grateful to you for your honesty. :-)

Sarah said...

I am not as nice as you. Unfortunately, I am pretty honest. LOL I like your advice though. I cry with my children all the time and sometimes I am the one crying and they are comforting me. I am sure you have had days like that too. =c)

Megs said...

I just want to laugh sometimes. I think the advice most give is a joke. Why not tell them the real stuff. Maybe they won't feel so shocked the first time it happens.