Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Economics 101

Tara worked really, really hard at a lemonade stand on Saturday. After the exhausting work of sitting at a table, smiling at customers, and making change, she was excited to find she had made $8.50 simply by selling chocolate chip cookies. (Her friends did the lemonade and bread.)

Luckily for her she got her dad's sales abilities. I had the privilege of overhearing this exchange:

Customer: I'll take some lemonade.
Tara: And wouldn't you like some cookies with that? (insert puppy dog eyes and head tilt)
Customer: (stammering) Uhm, of course. I'll take two?

She came home on cloud nine exclaiming how RICH she was! She wants to buy books with all her money.


Then her dad decided this was the best time to explain economics. So he pulled out a piece of paper and showed her about profit and loss and overhead and the bottom line. Seriously.

What she learned from that conversation is that she owes me $2.40 for ingredients.

Poor Tara, Economics is hard.

I haven't collected the money and after I found this picture on my camera, I can't.
It'll be our little secret, huh Tara?


Mardi said...

It's a hard lesson to learn - but tell her to just wait until she gets to learn about taxes. That's the real kicker!

Heather Tew said...

I ran by there during my run that day and if I had money with me I probably would have bought one. She was trying her hardest to close the deal.

Brian said...

So did Jared charge consulting fees for that little wisdom impart as well!??

Megs said...

You are too nice. I make my kids pay me upfront. Supply and demand. I go gets supplies and they demand them. That is why they pay now.

Becky Shuler said...

Way to go Tara! Thank goodness your Mom is sweet and let you keep your money!! What book did you buy with your hard-earned cash?

Katy said...

Amazing how little it takes for kids to feel "rich"! I love the economics lesson, but lucky for her you are letting her keep that hard earned money!